CHCCOM006Apply communication skills in nursing practice
CHCDIV001Work with diverse people
CHCLEG003Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCPRP003Reflect and improve on professional practice
CHCPRP005Engage with health professionals and the health system
HLTAAP003Analyse and respond to client health information
HLTAID011Provide first aid
HLTINF004Manage the prevention and control of infection
HLTMSG001Develop massage practice
HLTMSG002Assess client massage needs
HLTMSG003Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments
HLTMSG004Provide message treatments
HLTMSG005Provide remedial message treatments
HLTMSG006Adapt remedial message practice to meet specific
HLTMSG008Monitor and evaluate remedial message treatments
HLTWHS004Manage work health and safety